I just got a YouTube channel today! I posted my first video of my dolls. Check it out here.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Anne's Prize
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Dress from Jo March's Giveaway
Weeks ago I received the dress I won from Jo March's giveaway at her blog. It is a cute dress and here is Ruthie modeling it for you.
Isn't she cute?
Yesterday I received Anne's prize from her contest. You see the button she made me on my sidebar. Today I will take pictures and post about it tomorrow. :-)
The changes I was talking about was that this blog will be about me and my dolls. I now have a website where it will only be about dolls. On here,I will post about what I have been sewing,crocheting,about things I find intersting,and be like a "behind the sences" or "behind the dolls" type thing. I will still post about my dolls because they are a huge part of my life! I will have a blog day on my website so I will still post on here. Don't worry! :-)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Giveaway At Doll Diaries
Hi everyone! There is a give away at Doll Diaries for a beautiful Carpatina dress that fits American Girl dolls. It ends tonight so hurry and enter.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Halloween Party
I have just put up a photo story on what my dolls did for Halloween. You can also see their costumes better than you could on the right. :)
Earlier this week,Molly and Susan took down all the decorations,sad the holiday was over. But then Molly started to whistle 'Jingle Bells' and their spirits perked up again.
Elizabeth has idea forming her head. She is thinking of having a bid Thanksgiving feast. Everyone can dress up all fancy and eat a wide assortment of yummy dishes...and Kathleen can make her famous blueberry pie! Elizabeth is still planing but everyone here at Sweet Pea Cove is in for a treat. :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Quinlyn's Prize
A few weeks ago,I received Quinlyn's headband prize she made me for her contest over the summer. It is a beautiful multi-colored headband and it is beautiful! Some more pictures are here. The headband is really easy to slip on and looks great.
If you are interested in buying one for your doll,you can visit Quinlyn's Etsy here.
I hope you all had a great Halloween. Soon I will do a Halloween post,I just haven't had time to take pictures. Have a great day!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Book/movie Quiz (Entry for Jo March's Fiesta de Octobre)
This is the last week for Jo March's Fiesta de Octobre giveaways. Click on her button on my side bar to go to her blog.
{1} It's nearly impossible to pick a favorite book, so what are your top THREE favorite books ? (other than the Bible :D) ONLY 3???? ;) I would have to pick the American Girl series,Main Street series,and the Kingdom Keepers Series.
{1} It's nearly impossible to pick a favorite book, so what are your top THREE favorite books ? (other than the Bible :D) ONLY 3???? ;) I would have to pick the American Girl series,Main Street series,and the Kingdom Keepers Series.
{2} Who is your favorite heroine from literature? (if you need to list more than one, that's fine) All the American Girl characters,Emma,Nancy Drew,Coraline,Flora from Main Street,Scout,Violet Baudelaire,Katniss Everdeen.
{3} Who is your favorite hero from literature? (see above note) Sherlock Holmes,Atticus,Tom Sawyer Percy Jackson,Finn.
{4} Who is your favorite author? (see note above) Neil Gaiman,Lemony Snicket,Ann M. Martin,Mark Twain,Carrol Keen,and all the AG authors.
{5} What is your favorite type of book to read? Mystery! Historical Fictoin,scary/horror.
{6} If you could be a character from literature for one day, who would you be? Why? Coraline because it would be coll to see what my other world would look like.
{7} What type of reader would you call yourself? Are you an avid reader, passive reader, or even a non-reader?? Avid-reader! I never go anywhere without my book.
{8} Do you like reading aloud? Depends on who I'm reading to,but I usually do good.
{9} Do you like mystery stories? I love mysteries!!!
{10}All of us have read a book at some point or another and disliked the way it ended or who married who, etc. What book(s) bother you like that, and what would you change about them? I can't remember a specific book where that happened,but I don't like it when the bad guys don't get what they deserve.
{11} Just like books, it's *very* hard to pick a favorite movie. What are you top THREE favorite movies? All the AG movies,Coraline,and all the Disney movies. It is to hard to pick a single movie. :)
{12} When it comes to movie adaptions of books, are you a purist or do you not mind changes to the storyline? It depends on the changes. I it is just a few changes,it is fine. But i the movie is totally different,than that is really bad.
{13} What is your favorite book-to-movie adaption? Coraline. So good!(And the Felicity and Kit movies)
{14} What is your favorite type of movie to watch? Mystery,adventure,comedy,and scary.
{15} Do you like to watch movies with the lights off or on? Mostly with the lights on because I usually sew or crochet while I watch.
{16} DVD or VHS? DVD!
{17} When you watch a movie, would you rather watch it straight through or skip around to your favorite scenes? Watch it straight through. I like to get the total feel of the movie.
{18} Subtitles? Depends. But usually yes.
{19} Do you make comments and ask questions during a movie, or sit in complete silence? Yes,I make comments! My whole family does(when we are at home). We like to make fun fo the movie that we are watching. :)
{20} If you could be in any movie (whether it's already been made or not) which movie would it be? Who would you want to be and why? An American Girl movie! Or a voice in a Tinker Bell movie. Or play Flora in a Main Street movie. Why? Because I love all those things!! :)
That was great! Good luck to everyone who enters! :)
{20} If you could be in any movie (whether it's already been made or not) which movie would it be? Who would you want to be and why? An American Girl movie! Or a voice in a Tinker Bell movie. Or play Flora in a Main Street movie. Why? Because I love all those things!! :)
That was great! Good luck to everyone who enters! :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Our Dolls Prize
Hi everyone! A few weeks ago,I received the Our Dolls prize for their Back to School contest. Here are some pictures I took of the prize.
Also,I found out that I won Jo March's giveaway! As soon as I get the doll dress I will post some pictures. :)
Also,I found out that I won Jo March's giveaway! As soon as I get the doll dress I will post some pictures. :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Music Quiz (Entry for Jo March's Fiesta de Octobre)
On Jo March's blog,she is having a giveaway! I will but her button on my side bar.
{1} What musical instrument(s) do you play? None. :( I would like to play violin,trumpet,or flute.
{2} How long have you been playing that instrument(s)? I don't know how to play one.
{3} What is your favorite era of music: Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Contemporary? I like the Big Band era.
{4} Why? (in reference to the above question) It is fun to dance to and I wish I lived then.
{5} Who is your favorite composer? (If you're drawing a blank, click here for a nice long list to pick from :D) Mozart,Tchaikovsky,and John Williams.
{6} Do you like jazz music? Why or why not? Yes! I love the swing of it. :)
{7} Are one of those folks who could play their musical instrument for hours and love every minute of it? (or...just about every minute?) Probably...if I knew how.
{8} Would you rather listen to music or play it? Listen to it.
{9} Do you like to perform in front of people, or would you rather not? Rather not.
{10} What's one thing you love about your instrument? I don't play. But of my favorites,I love the sound.
{11} What is your favorite genre of music to listen to? Big Band,rock,and pop.
{12} Would you rather listen to an entire CD (or playlist) of just one artist, or a random shuffle list or CD? Random shuffle.
{13} Do you like listening to movie soundtracks? Yes,especially for Kit Kittredge,Coraline,and Disney movies.
{14} Does listening to music while doing schoolwork distract or help you? Help. It doesn't bother me.
{15} Radio, CD or iPod/mp3 player? Radio and ipod.
{16} Do your siblings like to listen to the same music you do? Yes.
{17} Do you like to "sing along" with the songs you know, or would you rather just listen to them? Listen to them.
{18} Do you like to listen to "old music", a.k.a. the music your parents listened to way back in the day? (not that our parents are old or anything....) Yes! I even listen to what my grandparents listened to. :)
{19} Do you like rap music? (random question, I know) No way!
{20} Ready for Christmas music yet? Yes and no. I'm trying to stay in a Halloween mood but after Halloween I all Christmas.
That was fun! Good luck to everyone who enters the contest!
{1} What musical instrument(s) do you play? None. :( I would like to play violin,trumpet,or flute.
{2} How long have you been playing that instrument(s)? I don't know how to play one.
{3} What is your favorite era of music: Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Contemporary? I like the Big Band era.
{4} Why? (in reference to the above question) It is fun to dance to and I wish I lived then.
{5} Who is your favorite composer? (If you're drawing a blank, click here for a nice long list to pick from :D) Mozart,Tchaikovsky,and John Williams.
{6} Do you like jazz music? Why or why not? Yes! I love the swing of it. :)
{7} Are one of those folks who could play their musical instrument for hours and love every minute of it? (or...just about every minute?) Probably...if I knew how.
{8} Would you rather listen to music or play it? Listen to it.
{9} Do you like to perform in front of people, or would you rather not? Rather not.
{10} What's one thing you love about your instrument? I don't play. But of my favorites,I love the sound.
{11} What is your favorite genre of music to listen to? Big Band,rock,and pop.
{12} Would you rather listen to an entire CD (or playlist) of just one artist, or a random shuffle list or CD? Random shuffle.
{13} Do you like listening to movie soundtracks? Yes,especially for Kit Kittredge,Coraline,and Disney movies.
{14} Does listening to music while doing schoolwork distract or help you? Help. It doesn't bother me.
{15} Radio, CD or iPod/mp3 player? Radio and ipod.
{16} Do your siblings like to listen to the same music you do? Yes.
{17} Do you like to "sing along" with the songs you know, or would you rather just listen to them? Listen to them.
{18} Do you like to listen to "old music", a.k.a. the music your parents listened to way back in the day? (not that our parents are old or anything....) Yes! I even listen to what my grandparents listened to. :)
{19} Do you like rap music? (random question, I know) No way!
{20} Ready for Christmas music yet? Yes and no. I'm trying to stay in a Halloween mood but after Halloween I all Christmas.
That was fun! Good luck to everyone who enters the contest!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Been Busy!
Sorry I haven't written in over a month! Ahhh! What is happening to me?! Haha! :)
Well,I've started school(11th grade),been sewing(clothes for me and my dolls),crocheting and loom knitting hats(I'm going to donate them to these people),went to San Antonio,playing/taking pictures of the dolls,and getting ready for Halloween! I have some costumes to get ready for the dolls. I'm going to be a zombie Groucho Marx. :)
My Dad has been putting shelves,that he made for me,in my room.Here is a picture of the book shelves. They go all the way around my bathroom door! It holds all my AG books,fairy books,and many others. There is even room to have Molly's stage and the mini doll house on there.
I have a few more post to make so be sure to stay tuned! :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Mandy's Bumblebee Shirt
Mandy was in need of some summer clothes so I whipped up this little shirt for her.
She has only a short time to ware it though because fall is pretty much here! Yea! Cold weather!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Shirley's New Outfit
Ta da! Shirley has a new outfit! It consists of a shirt,overalls,jacket,and bonnet.
This outfit is perfect for the fall (or spring) and is great to play in. Speaking of fall,school is 'just around the corner' (haha! That is a Shirley Temple movie. :) ) or already here. I start school the day after Labor Day :D. When do you start school?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Kathleen's Little Bee Dress
I made Kathleen a dress a while back and wanted to share it with all of you. She needed a dress that looked nice but she could also play in. The print has tiny,little bees on it,as dose the headband. It has a ruffle around the neck to dress it up. Here is the back of the dress:
Sunday, August 15, 2010
New doll stuff
So I got 2 bean bag chairs for only $10.00! And the dolls fit pretty good in them. Lanie couldn't wait to try them out so here she is.
At Wal-Mart,there was also dolls,horses,beds,dogs,cats,outfits,a bed room set,a camping,tea party,roller skating,and birthday set,doll carrier,and a chair that sticks on to the table so your doll can eat with you(like that chairs for your doll at the AG place). Everything is pretty cute so check it out.
Friday, July 16, 2010
My Miss Simply AG Prize
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Your dolls can clean!
Today I went to Wal-Mart and my mom saw these cleaning cloths/mittens that were tiny. We both thought they would be perfect size for the dolls to ware on their feet so they can dust the floor. Kathleen wanted to use them right away (and to be the model :-)).
Here is a close up. They fit really good on her feet. And it is lots of fun to clean the doll house when you are using your doll to help you clean.
Kathleen decided to figure skate around the living room while she dusted. The dusters worked super good it made the floor clean and shiney. :-)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!
Happy 4th of July everyone!!! The dolls of Sweet Pea Cove are having a party in honor of America's independence.
The bunting in that picture was made from the http://www.ourdolls.net/ pattern. It was really fun to make and it adds a festive mood so go check it out.
Addy and I also want to thank everyone for voting for us in the Miss Simply AG contest. Addy got 1st place!
I hope you and your dolls have a great 4th of July! :-)
Addy and I also want to thank everyone for voting for us in the Miss Simply AG contest. Addy got 1st place!
I hope you and your dolls have a great 4th of July! :-)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
New photo story
Hello! I just made a new photo story about Molly,Emily,and Susan taking a trip to Hawaii. You can check it out here http://picasaweb.google.com/felicityfairy1994/ATripToHawaii#
That's all for now. Bye!
That's all for now. Bye!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Goings On
Well,during the week Felicity and Kaya went out horseback riding. Kaya was boasting about her horse and Felicity took it as if she was putting down Penny. In the end they decided to have a horse race to see who is the better horsewoman. So ever since that day they have been training their horses like crazy.
Lanie wanted to do some rock climbing on Thursday but she didn't want to climb all the way up the mountain... So she decided to do house climbing instead. She her ropes,tided them to a chair on the 3rd story,let the rope out the window and started climbing. She scared Mandy,Jenny,and Logan while they were eating lunch,looking out the window.
That is all the interesting things happening. All the other dolls are doing chores or doing whatever they want. I wonder how the race will go....
Lanie wanted to do some rock climbing on Thursday but she didn't want to climb all the way up the mountain... So she decided to do house climbing instead. She her ropes,tided them to a chair on the 3rd story,let the rope out the window and started climbing. She scared Mandy,Jenny,and Logan while they were eating lunch,looking out the window.
That is all the interesting things happening. All the other dolls are doing chores or doing whatever they want. I wonder how the race will go....
Friday, May 21, 2010
Josefina and Princess Tiana
On Monday,I want to the American Girl store and got.... JOSEFINA!!! Below are some pictures of her. My mom and I decided to get her now since we are going to San Antonio!!!! Yea!

Last weekend,I made (finally!) the Princess Tiana dress I've been dying to make. I made it freehand and well,I'm pretty darn proud of it. :) Addy loves it. Here are some pictures of her in it.

I have also entered the Miss Simply AG Contest with Addy. So click on the icon on the top and it will lead you to the website where you can look at all the entries(and mine). :)
That's all for this post. Bye!
I have also entered the Miss Simply AG Contest with Addy. So click on the icon on the top and it will lead you to the website where you can look at all the entries(and mine). :)
That's all for this post. Bye!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Kathleen's new dress,Earth day,and birthdays

Felicity's birthday was yesterday,Molly's birthday is today,and Shirley's birthday is tomorrow. So all the dolls have been partying these days.
Even with all this partying,Lanie doesn't forget the Earth. She was watching closely at what everyone was throwing away at the party to make sure it couldn't be recycled or thrown into the compost pile.
Last week,Kathleen got a new dress(that I made :) ). She was so excited about receiving it she immediately put it on and wanted to go outside to take some pictures.
While taking pictures,Kathleen spotted a bunny and stopped to say "Hello!"

Kathleen thinking deeply.
That's it for this post! Bye!
Felicity's birthday was yesterday,Molly's birthday is today,and Shirley's birthday is tomorrow. So all the dolls have been partying these days.
Even with all this partying,Lanie doesn't forget the Earth. She was watching closely at what everyone was throwing away at the party to make sure it couldn't be recycled or thrown into the compost pile.
Last week,Kathleen got a new dress(that I made :) ). She was so excited about receiving it she immediately put it on and wanted to go outside to take some pictures.
While taking pictures,Kathleen spotted a bunny and stopped to say "Hello!"
Kathleen thinking deeply.
That's it for this post! Bye!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Rebecca's Birthday
Hi ya everybody! This is my first post on my blog all about the goings on in Sweet Pea Cove,my doll town. Sometimes I will post things about me,but it will all be doll related. Anyway, yesterday was Rebecca's birthday(and mine,too) so the dolls threw her a little party. Here are some pictures from it.

Molly and Emily saw something funny.
It was Bennett and Yank sharing a birthday hat!
Everyone singing "Happy Birthday".

A close up of the birthday girl.
And since it was Easter,Lanie,Kathleen,and Kit had and egg hunt until Susan came in and said it was time for cake. But they didn't mind,everyone likes cake!
For my birthday,I got Addy's Ice cream set,Kit's desk,glassware,and washing set,Molly's desk and bed, Chrissa's sewing table,a swim suit for Susan,the Doll School book,$120 total from my family,and.................................................................... KIT'S TREE HOUSE!!!!! Tomorrow, I'm going to the American Girl store! YEA! I'll try and post pictures of everything I buy. See ya!
Molly and Emily saw something funny.
It was Bennett and Yank sharing a birthday hat!
Everyone singing "Happy Birthday".
A close up of the birthday girl.
And since it was Easter,Lanie,Kathleen,and Kit had and egg hunt until Susan came in and said it was time for cake. But they didn't mind,everyone likes cake!
For my birthday,I got Addy's Ice cream set,Kit's desk,glassware,and washing set,Molly's desk and bed, Chrissa's sewing table,a swim suit for Susan,the Doll School book,$120 total from my family,and.................................................................... KIT'S TREE HOUSE!!!!! Tomorrow, I'm going to the American Girl store! YEA! I'll try and post pictures of everything I buy. See ya!
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