Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Music Quiz (Entry for Jo March's Fiesta de Octobre)

On Jo March's blog,she is having a giveaway! I will but her button on my side bar.

{1} What musical instrument(s) do you play? None. :( I would like to play violin,trumpet,or flute.

{2} How long have you been playing that instrument(s)? I don't know how to play one.

{3} What is your favorite era of music: Baroque, Classical, Romantic or Contemporary? I like the Big Band era.

{4} Why? (in reference to the above question) It is fun to dance to and I wish I lived then.

{5} Who is your favorite composer? (If you're drawing a blank, click here for a nice long list to pick from :D) Mozart,Tchaikovsky,and John Williams.

{6} Do you like jazz music? Why or why not? Yes! I love the swing of it. :)

{7} Are one of those folks who could play their musical instrument for hours and love every minute of it? (or...just about every minute?) Probably...if I knew how.

{8} Would you rather listen to music or play it? Listen to it.

{9} Do you like to perform in front of people, or would you rather not? Rather not.

{10} What's one thing you love about your instrument? I don't play. But of my favorites,I love the sound.

{11} What is your favorite genre of music to listen to? Big Band,rock,and pop.

{12} Would you rather listen to an entire CD (or playlist) of just one artist, or a random shuffle list or CD? Random shuffle.

{13} Do you like listening to movie soundtracks? Yes,especially for Kit Kittredge,Coraline,and Disney movies.

{14} Does listening to music while doing schoolwork distract or help you? Help. It doesn't bother me.

{15} Radio, CD or iPod/mp3 player? Radio and ipod.

{16} Do your siblings like to listen to the same music you do? Yes.

{17} Do you like to "sing along" with the songs you know, or would you rather just listen to them? Listen to them.

{18} Do you like to listen to "old music", a.k.a. the music your parents listened to way back in the day? (not that our parents are old or anything....) Yes! I even listen to what my grandparents listened to. :)

{19} Do you like rap music? (random question, I know) No way!

{20} Ready for Christmas music yet? Yes and no. I'm trying to stay in a Halloween mood but after Halloween I all Christmas.

That was fun! Good luck to everyone who enters the contest!


1 comment:

  1. I play the flute in band and advanced band! It's super fun, you should try it!!! :)


Drop a comment if you want. I would really appresiate it! :-) Remember to use kind words and have fun!