Saturday, April 30, 2011

Disney Blog Party

Beast'sbelle is having a blog party on her blog and all the questions are about Disney so I totally have to enter. :-) Here are my answers to her questions.

1. What is your all-time favorite animated Disney film and why?

This is really tough. It is between 'Tinkerbell','Tangled',and 'The Princess and the Frog'. I think 'Tangled'. I love the story,hair,and music. And she is the most like me.

2. What is your all-time favorite Disney/Pixar film and why? [Note: I realize that questions 1 and 2 may overlap...I just thought this would make it easier for those of us who have favorites in both categories. ;}]

Favorite Disney/Pixar...probably 'Toy Story'. I love the whole story of the toys coming to life. I love ALL the Pixar films. They make you laugh,cry,sit on the edge of your seat,and care for the characters that they created. They are master storytellers.

3. What was the first animated Disney film you remember seeing?

They aren't really that animated but the Disney Sing-A-Longs. I remember watching them at my grandma's house. For a true animated film,The Little Mermaid come to mind.

4. It's talent night at your school/job/etc...You have to perform a Disney song. Which one would you choose?

"When Will My Life Begin","Almost There",or "Part of Your World".

5. Name your top 4 Disney heroes or heroines (or any character, for that matter) and talk a little bit about why you admire them.

Tinkerbell(I love fairies and she is always herself)
Rapunzel(she is alot like me)
Peter Pan(he never has to grow up,("Can I go to Neverland with you,Peter?"))
Tiana(she is hard working and likes cooking)
*bonus* You can't leave out MICKEY MOUSE! He stands for goodness and you can't feel anything but happiness when you see him. :-)

6. Who, in your opinion, is the most hideous Disney villain of all time?

Chernobog(he is head of the Overtakers)

7. If you could spend a day with any Disney character, who would you choose? How would you spend your day?

You are killing me! I have not idea! I think Mickey Mouse(because "it all started with a mouse" ;-) ) so I can learn all about Walt Disney and we could go visit all the other characters and go to Disney World. :-)

8. Which Disney character is the most like you?

Rapunzel! We both have long hair and we both like to sew,knit,read,do crafts,and lots of other things. :-)

9. What, in your opinion, is one of the greatest movie moments in an animated Disney film?

The happy endings. And how they are drawn,so beautiful!

10. If you could pick which film Disney would make next, what would the film be?
KINGDOM KEEPERS!!!! I love the books! They are my favorite book series. The first book I read 3 times and I am about to read it again. :-)

This was so much fun! I couldn't help but smile while doing this because Disney makes me so happy. I love Disney! :-D

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miranda! Great answers! Some of them are really hard to decide on...I still haven't exactly figured out all of My answers yet, and I'm the one who came up with the questions! :)

    I'd completely forgotten about Chernabog...he gave me the creeps! I used to always ask my grandma to fast-forward that part of Fantasia.

    Thanks so much for participating. You have the honor of being the very first to be part of the Disney Blog Party! ;)


Drop a comment if you want. I would really appresiate it! :-) Remember to use kind words and have fun!